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water ingress in Micra

Printed From: Club Nissan
Category: Model Specific
Forum Name: Micra
Forum Discription: A forum for Micra Owners
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Topic: water ingress in Micra
Posted By: Peggy
Subject: water ingress in Micra
Date Posted: 02 November 2010 at 16:34
Recently my car seems to draw water under the passenger seat. It is sometimes so much that you can hear it very clearly during braking and acceleration. It was eventually so much that the water stood on the carpet. No idea where the water may come from!
Can anyone help, please? The workshop seems to have no idea of what may lie there, when describing the phenomenon on the phone.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 02 November 2010 at 20:53

welcome to CN

what reg/year is the micra?

are you loosing any coolant ?

Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 03 November 2010 at 12:02
Originally posted by flash22 flash22 wrote:

welcome to CN

what reg/year is the micra?

are you loosing any coolant ?


Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 03 November 2010 at 12:03
Hi Flash22
reg/year is 2007 and I will check whether I lose coolant (I don't think so but better check anyway)


Date Posted: 03 November 2010 at 15:04

Sounds like heater problem...

When the car is cold and you start it up, do you hear any

"splashing" sounds in your cabin and they stop afterwords???

If so, check heater & hoses...!


Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 04 November 2010 at 13:54
tks for coming back - but, no - no splashing noices to be heard. I have checked the coolant, everything is fine. The water quantity is far too much for any container in the car. And the water must come somehow from outside from a leak underneath the car. In dry weather the car dries out. As soon as it rains the passanger seat becomes soaking wet.
I don't have the facilities to look under tha car but have her booked in for next Tuesday. I only hope she doesn't tuen into a submarine until then.
Fear also that the carpet will start to rot if I can't get it dry!!!!
tks for any input!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04 November 2010 at 18:32

does the car have a sunroof ? if so the drains and or pipes maybe blocked

a lot of cars have 8 litres of coolent if not more.

another way it could be getting is by a bung in the firewall is loose or missing/leaking

Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 05 November 2010 at 10:16
no sunroof (unfortiunately!)
will check coolant again
sorry for my ignorance but what is the firewall in the car? ? ?
tks, peg


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05 November 2010 at 17:39

its the big wall of metal between  the back of the engine bay and the inside of the car, hope that helps


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 08 November 2010 at 11:43
The black plastic panel under the wiper arms is where the
air is sucked into the car for the heater and the panel
under this has tiny drain holes if these become blocked
with leaves etc the water will get in via the two holes in
the bulkhead and then into the car
Let us know what they find as i have condensation problems
with my 2008 micra but cannot find any water in the car


Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 08 November 2010 at 12:06
tks lynall! I'll check asap.

I have booked the car in for tomorrow and I desperately hope NISSAN can help as this becomes increasingly uncomfortable.
As a matter of fact we have problems with condensation as well.
In wet conditions we need to keep our A/C on for the screen to remain clear and fiddle continuously between A/C and heating.
Will keep you posted with the results tomorrow / Wednesday.


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 08 November 2010 at 17:55
Nightmare in mine today we both went about 10 miles with
air con on, raining all the time, back to car not to bad
obviously we are both wet, then to pub, back to car Lisa
driving! and the whole car was condensated top to bottom
took 5 mins with fan on full speed to clear screen to be
able to safely drive off.

I did notice Lisas car (merc) doing this slightly
yesterday but only slightly i could just see the edges of
the rear windows starting to mist.

I have also noticed a lot of cars with seriously misted
windows in various car parks and on the road the last few

But not noticed any Micras with the same problem yet.

Rung Nissan Bromley today ref my radio code asked if i
stripped the dash and gave them the numbers would they
give me the code this will save their mech time and me
driving 60 miles they said no problem so dash out and
code sorted just like that, so hope you have as much


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 18 November 2010 at 17:18
Any news on the water leak from the garage?


Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 23 November 2010 at 10:38
Guys - I am getting desperate!

Had the car in for service 2 weeks ago – Service and MOT over £700!
BUT Nissan couldn’t find the cause of the leak.
Had her booked in again last week for what seemed a 2 days’ investigation.
A lot of water and mud was found in the body of the car!
After a three days’ investigation Nissan took the car to a body shop, again without any results.
The phenomenon can’t be explained and remains a mystery, nobody can find the cause.
I will get the car back with a huge bill to pay and nothing done to the car.
Comment: we need to wait and see whether the water will return

How reassuring is thaaat. I am devastated


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 23 November 2010 at 18:06
Peggy if theres mud that would say to me it got to be
coming in from one of the wheel arch areas as the wheels
throw it up and as the nearside runs in the gutter most
of the time and its also the dirtiest side of the road i
would have a look there.

What about lifting the carpets and running without them
for a couple of weeks so you can see whats happening.

What did they do for £700 as theres not a lot on a Micra?


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 09 January 2011 at 12:01
Stuck a new pollen filter in mine which seemed to help for
all of 2 days!


Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 10 January 2011 at 10:44
Final results of water ingress:
Car was with Nissan dealer 3 weeks; dealer couldn’t find root cause for the problem. Finally they sent the car to a body shop to check it over – no results.
Apparently they have sealed the car all over again.
The total cost of £530.00 has not been covered by Nissan (1 month over warranty and no good will payment because root cause has not been found); Nissan stated that the dealer is trained enough by Nissan and has to find the problem. If they don’t, the service team have simply not spent time enough on it . . . . (very reassuring)

And again the amount has not been paid back by the insurance company although full cover policy because root cause has not been found . . .

We now keep our fingers cross when driving in rain . . .

. . . and I don't think I will buy a Nissan again.


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 10 January 2011 at 12:34
Went up Tesco yesterday to recycle xmas glass bottles.

I had to stop as the sun hit the condensation on the
inside of the screen and i quite literally couldnt see
the road at all.

Its where the condensation is coming from thats annoying
me as i hate not knowing.

I swore at the car and have decided its going and i am
going back to what i know Land rovers.


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 20:17
Car froze last outside and more unbelievably on the inside as well!
Even my 50 year old land rover doesn't do that.


Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 20 January 2011 at 11:12
The Micra seems to have a lot of condensation problems!

Has that ever been addressed with Nissan by anybody?

We thought that the condensation had been caused by our water problem in the body of the car.
As condensation problem seems to consist we feared that we were still taking water in . . .
No proof of humidity though - thank God


Posted By: mr.frosty
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 14:17

hi peggy,

an old test was to take out the carpets and dry everything off, sprinkle talc all over and go for a drive in the rain, the tracks left should show where the water is coming from.

hope it helps.

Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 15:18
It sounds great, tks very much!
However, the water was in the body of the car under the floor. I can't see how I can do that . . . .
so far, it doesn't seem to have come back (let's keep fingers cross!)


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 20:09
Peggy 603 views says it all really!
Ive bought some dessicant crystals from e bay that turn
colour from orange to green when they absorb moisture.
After one night in the car they have started to turn
So for an experiment i turned the a/c off on the run to
work and the windows did start to mist in the rear but
nowhere near as bad as before.
E bay number 270682485429 maybe worth a go?


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 24 January 2011 at 06:35
3 days later and car is still clear inside.
I have washed it for the first time in weeks plus the damp weather so it
would seem the crystals are doing a good job.
I'm quite pleased.


Posted By: Peggy
Date Posted: 24 January 2011 at 10:22
might have a try myself, sounds good!


Posted By: lynall
Date Posted: 27 January 2011 at 22:26
Washed it again and it did fog up again just on the screen,
so ran with a/c on to work and back and with a/c off its
been fine since.
The little crystals have turned dark from their initial
orange so are getting moisture from somewhere.
The two dark ones are now in the airing cupboard and are
slowly turning back to orange in the warmth.
Im happy car feels much nicer to drive with the a/c off.


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